
Cloud Optimization

We use the best services available on Cloud Computing platforms, with an eye to optimizing infrastructure costs.

We can help you migrate your infrastructure to the cloud or analyze and optimize the costs of it while making it more secure and efficient.

Why Cloud?

The main benefits of migrating to a cloud environment are significant cost savings, greater resilience of your IT infrastructure, greater flexibility in data management and development through DevOps methodologies.

Flexible, secure, scalable and cost-effective solutions adequate to the actual resources used. Whether it’s data storage, business applications, Databases, Infrastructures, Containers, Websites, and e-commerce, we can support you in choosing the best cloud platform and in data migration.

Our Cloud services

  1. Creation of new infrastructure on Cloud that replicates your current on-premise infrastructure
  2. Migration of on-premise infrastructures to Cloud infrastructures, ensuring business continuity.
  3. Integration of parts of the infrastructure in the Cloud with other parts of on-premise infrastructure or other Cloud providers Cloud
  4. Engineering Optimization: optimizing the costs and architecture of an IT infrastructure while making it more secure and efficient.
Read our article:

How we saved $1 million through Cloud Engineering Optimization.

Do you need more info about Cloud Optimization?


Google Cloud Platform

Discover all our services


We develop security strategies that can prevent cyber attacks, manage risks, avoid downtime and malfunctions and protect sensitive information and data.

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DevOps Consulting

A new paradigm for operations that cuts costs and improves business competitiveness thanks to an Agile approach. Less waste, less time to market, more consistency.

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Blockchain Services

We will help you discover, apply and benefit from the potential of Blockchain technology in your project and company.

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Cloud Optimization

We use the best services available on Cloud Computing platforms, with an eye to optimizing infrastructure costs.

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System Integration

Increase flexibility and business competitiveness thanks to a digital transformation path. We deal with the integration of scalable systems and platforms.

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Continuous Monitoring

We design NOCs and SOCs that guarantee the continuous delivery and availability of services and the highest protection against cyber attacks.

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Software Development

We develop software adopting an Agile workflow and the DevSecOps approach. We develop replicable and scalable infrastructures using Infrastructure-as-Code techniques.

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In IT, most of the unforeseen events occur by human error. Updating on topics and technologies of Cybersecurity and DevOps becomes more and more fundamental for companies.

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Privacy Assessment

THE I, in partnership with legal experts, can help your company to verify GDPR compliance and, if necessary, correct procedures and documentation to comply with these regulations.

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